
Dentures FAQ – The Second Visit

Dentures FAQ – The Second Visit

We have set the photos up as a slide show, if you press on the photo, you can proceed slide by slide and read the captions to get an idea what we did for the day.
Day 2 – This is a busy visit! We administer nitrous oxide to Mike so we can extract two teeth and take master impressions that will lead to his new smile.
It is a few weeks before Christmas, and we are wondering if we can get this project done before the holiday. This second visit is a long one; we will break it up into three parts. In the first part, Dara lends a hand as we take photo records.

Dara takes photo records


Nitrous Oxide is used while removing teeth.

The following photos show the extractions of teeth No. 22 and 27. We offer the use of nitrous oxide Mike. I like nitrous oxide for a lot of reasons, one of them being that it is safe to administer and there are no long-term effects. Five minutes after we turn off the machine, all the effects of nitrous oxide have left the body; if Mike needed to drive home, it would not be a problem. Nitrous oxide is a sedative that has a calming, soothing effect; however, it cannot always be counted on to block pain.
In some ways, I think of its effect as a distraction for the patient, allowing me to go to work. It doesn’t work the same on all our patients, but for the ones that it does work for, it just, well, takes them to a happy place! Mike elects to use the nitrous oxide, and I’m glad. I want to make him as comfortable as humanly possible, considering what he has to go through.


Making master impressions for upper and lower dentures.

The teeth have been removed, and we elect to go straight to taking master impressions.

Finally, we are done for this day. We packed up our master impressions and send them off to the lab to have the wax rims fabricated in time for the next visit.

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