
Our young patient gets a good check up at his dental cleaning.

Our young patient gets a good check up at his dental cleaning.

Good news at the dental office.
Good news at the dental office.

This morning a young boy came in to have his teeth cleaned and exam and fluoride, and this is what we saw. The baby tooth had split in half, with the permanent tooth pushing its way through.
Even though the baby tooth was split in two, the patient did not have any discomfort. The remnants of the baby tooth were very loose. The hygienist joked

“If he were to sneeze the pieces could come flying out.”

Seasons of Smiles Dental recommendations? Chew on some carrots, or maybe some hard crunchy bread, anything that will encourage the pieces to come out. Everything else looked healthy!

Good checkup!

This is the patient’s last baby tooth, as he will be turning 13 this summer. Any ideas what happens when this young boy loses his last baby tooth? Much to his mother’s sentiment . . .

. . . a boy becomes a man!

How long has it been since your six-month cleaning? Give us a call at Seasons of Smiles Dental at (207) 236-4740. We’re here to check your smile!

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