Donated Dental Services (DDS)
Donated Dental Services (DDS)

Dental Lifeline Network * Maine
More than Dentistry. Life.
Maine Donated Dental Services (DDS)
P.O. Box 2282
Augusta, ME 04338-2282
Phone/FAX: 207.620.8276
Dear Dr. Norman Medina:
We are so grateful that you volunteer for the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program and hope you have had a rewarding experience. You are among 15,192 dentists and 3,350 laboratories nationally that enabled 7,400 people with disabilities or who are elderly or medically fragile to get over $24 million in essential care. In our state, 208 other dentists and laboratories donated $309,758 in services for 97 patients. The attached annual report provides more details and includes information about several remarkable cases.
Despite all the wonderful stories about people whose lives have been changed, we are continually challenged. With the lingering impact of a weakened economy, more vulnerable people are asking for help at a time when funding sources in some states are limited.
These factors make it difficult to raise enough money to support all of our volunteers. In some states, we do not have enough staff to ask all of the volunteers to help – something we are working to change every day.
We hope your DDS participation as a volunteer brings you and your staff great satisfaction commensurate with the overwhelming value of your service to people who desperately need your help.
Again, thanks so much for your participation. Enclosed in the 2013 participation tab that can be affixed to the grid at the bottom of your plaque.
Our warmest wishes for a happy and prosperous 2013!
Michael Bufo, D.M.D.
Chair, Maine DDS program
Ann Caron
DDS Coordinator
Helping People With Disabilities or Who Are Elderly or Medically At-Risk