
Number Of Adults Seeking Orthodontic Treatments.

Number Of Adults Seeking Orthodontic Treatments.

The Wall Street Journal (10/5, Reddy, Subscription Publication) reports that an increasing number of adults are seeking orthodontic treatments, and dentists are offering more discrete options. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, more than 1.2 million adults received orthodontic treatment in 2012, up 36 percent from 1996. Orthodontic procedures for children and teens rose 32 percent in that period to 4.65 million.

It’s great to see a rise in statistics for orthodontic treatment, and here at the office a good 60 percent of our staff have chosen to seek orthodontic treatments in their adult years. 🙂

Kimberlee Harjula Peterson
Kim Peterson, RDH

Michelle Webber, EFDA
Michelle Webber, EFDA

Laura McCaslin RDH Smiles
Laura McCaslin RDH Smiles

How about you? Join us in having a healthier smile!

If you or a loved one is interested in obtaining more information about Invisalign, the clear alternative press here, or better yet, simply give us a call at (207) 236-4740.

Seasons of Smiles Dental 2015
Seasons of Smiles Dental at Yankee Dental January of 2015. Yankee Dental is a dental convention held yearly in Boston.

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