Preventative Appointment
Preventative Appointment
Taken from a lecture given at Yankee Dental 2015 by Dr. Gordon Christensen.
Patients needing a Preventative Appointment
- Post Restorative
- Dry Mouth
- Senile Carries
- Juvenile Carries
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation Therapy
- Bulimics
- “Meth Mouth”
- Special Needs Patients
- Orthodontic Patients
- Patient with high carcinogenic diets
- Nursing home Patients
The Preventative Appointment
- Educate the Patient
- Get Acceptance of the concept
- Alginate Impression
- Fast Setting Cast (Whipmix Snap Stone)
- Make Vacuum Shell, .20″” thick plastic
- Trim shell to be 1mm apical to the gingival line
- Again educate patient and have them load and set tray
- They use 2X per day, 5 min after breakfast, and 5 min before bedtime
- Spit only if in non-fluoride area. Spit and rinse if in fluoride area