
Spring 2012 – New Changes in our office.

Spring 2012 – New Changes in our office.

New Changes at Seasons of Smiles Dental
Spring 2012 – So many reasons to celebrate.

When the lawn mower sounds are heard, we know that Spring, green, growing, and beautiful changes are happening. At Seasons of Smiles Dental, we are celebrating Nellie’s 13th anniversary as our Front Desk expert; We are welcoming our new assistant Anastasia Snow; Our daughter Krista is home from her first year of college as a Nursing student and will be working at our office during the Summer months.
We are also celebrating some new technology for our office, so when you come in, you will get the chance to use our new iPads to read the local news, New York Times; check your e-mail; and of course, ‘like’ our office on Facebook while you are at it!

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